Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ra vs. compiler package

R seems to have two byte code compilers: the Ra add-on module (and the accompanying "jit" package) and the "compiler" package came with the default installation. I wonder how they differentiate from each other and what the strengths and weaknesses of each are.


Tal Galili said...

Hello Shige's,
I've wrote a post comparing ra and compiler, as much as I could.
You can read it here:

Tal Galili said...

Hello Shige's,
I've wrote a post comparing ra and compiler, as much as I could.
You can read it here:

Tal Galili said...

Hello Shige's,
I've wrote a post comparing ra and compiler, as much as I could.
You can read it here:

Tal Galili said...

Hello Shige's,
I've wrote a post comparing ra and compiler, as much as I could.
You can read it here:

Shige said...

Very helpful informaiton, thanks.
