Tuesday, November 25, 2008

AD Model Builder

The ADMB team seems to be open-sourcing their nonlinear statistical library, AD Model Builder. I took a quick look at the document and have mixed feeling. On the one hand, the software is strong in modeling capability; on the other hand, it works at very low level and use C++ as the modeling language. Unless it can solve important problems that other packages such as Stata, R, aML can not, I don't see a C++ based modeling environment gains popularity among social sciencites any time soon.

Anyway, it is another fun toy to play with.



Unknown said...

At http://otter-rsch.ca/tresults.htmn
there is an example of a simple
nonlinear statistical model typical of the type used in natural resource management comparing R and AD Model Builder for which ADMB is roughly 1000 times faster than R.

Shige said...

1000 times performance improvement is certainly impressive.
