Monday, August 16, 2010

Revolution R Enterprise

I realized that the Revolution R Enterprise has only a version for Redhat Linux but not Ubuntu. Too bad.


Michael Scroggie said...

Actually, revolution-r is in the ubuntu multiverse repository:

Make sure multiverse is enabled, and:

>sudo apt-get install revolution-r

Shige said...

Thanks. I have already installed the most recent version of R from source (./confiure, make, make install), will the revolution-r in the multiverse repository conflict with my own version of R?

Michael Scroggie said...

I'm not sure how the revolution-r package will play with a version of R installed locally from source. If you want the latest R, you don't have to compile and install from the sources - you can just add the cran ubuntu mirror to your /etc/apt/sources.list file, and install the precompiled binaries direct from cran:

Anonymous said...

hi, new to the site, thanks.
